Maximizing your Financial Education as a College Student

Being a college student comes with a lot of responsibilities and managing your finances is just a small – yet often overwhelming – part. But learning basic financial tasks, such as drafting a budget and establishing or optimizing your credit score, is more than just homework.

Master Your Card is here to provide you resources to help enable you to feel financially empowered before and during college, as you prepare for success after graduation and beyond.


Preparing for College

Way before your very first day, make sure you explore all key financial information you need, including how to pay for college.

Basic Financial Awareness
Learn about basic financial concepts like budgeting, the cost of only using cash, financial accounts, and credit scores.


College Spending

Now that you’re in college, you need to decide where and how to spend money. With that freedom comes the responsibility of choosing how you pay for things. Students are often tempted to open various credit cards, and in many situations, that may not be the best option.

Electronic Payments
Electronic payments provide convenience, buying power and better financial management.

Choose the Right Card for You
Learn the pros and cons of credit, debit, and prepaid cards and decide which is the best alternative for you.

Keeping Your Card Secure
Whether you’re using your card in person or online, these tips will help you protect your information.

Fraud Protection
Building habits to protect yourself and your money from fraudulent activity is critical to ensuring long-term security.


Preparing for Graduation

As you start to think about life after college, there are many things you can do to ease the transition before you put on the cap and gown. Set the foundation for your financial success by establishing financial goals and reviewing your credit history and score, which will be of high importance if you plan to lease an apartment or buy a car.

The Basics of Credit and Credit Scores
Credit and credit scores can have strong impacts on our financial lives. This video defines credit and provides tips to maintain keep a good credit score.

Establishing and Managing Your Credit History/Score
Understanding your credit score and report prepares you to make improvements.

Barriers to Investing
The best time to learn about investing was yesterday but getting started today is the next best option.


Life’s Big Moments After Graduation

Entering the “real world” can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. As you become financially empowered, there are a number of things you can do to prepare yourself to take on life’s big moments.

Creating a Budget and Developing a Savings Plan
Budgeting and saving are keys to financial empowerment; learn some helpful tips and best practices.

Plan for The Unexpected: Know Your Finances
Have a plan to protect your resources in case of an emergency or the unexpected.