8 Cost-Cutting Tips for Independent Workers

As an independent worker, you’re responsible for both personal and work-related expenses, which can really add up. Here are eight cost-cutting tips to help you get the most out of your hard-earned money.

1. Maximize tax deductions

Tax deductions are expenses the IRS allows you to subtract from your reported income, and the lower your reported income is, the lower your tax bill will be. There are lots of tax deductions available to gig workers such as your mileage, cell phone bill, and monthly health insurance premiums. You can find a list of them here.

Pro tip: Use an expense tracker that can track your miles, store your receipts and suggest deductions, so that you have everything in one place.

2. Avoid costly medical expenses

Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States, and bills related to injuries or diseases can quickly wipe out your savings and retirement accounts. Quality health insurance can cover some or all medical expenses, and it’s more affordable than ever: in 2021, 4 out of 5 Americans could find quality health insurance for just $10 per month.

Pro tip: Use a health insurance shopping and comparison tool like Stride to find the right plan for your specific needs—it’s much faster and easier than using the government health sites!

3. Track your income and expenses

Tracking your expenses can help you understand where your money is going and where you might be able to save, and when you do that alongside tracking your income, you’ll also get a sense as to how much money to set aside for taxes. Tracking business expenses throughout the year also makes it easier to find those money-saving deductions at tax time.

Pro tip: Try using an accounting platform to help.

4. Look for discounts on things you use most

Keep an eye out for discounts on things like car maintenance or public transportation, groceries, cell phone service, and internet costs. You can also find savings by asking about special offers or negotiating a lower payment with your provider.

Pro tip: Many service companies offer a cheaper rate for new customers and will often handle the transition for you.

5. Pay bills on time

Late fees and penalties can really add up. Avoid these by paying bills on time whenever possible. If bill payment is challenging, ask about moving payment dates to a better time in the month, or ask about a payment plan.

Pro tip: Try to separate your rent or mortgage payment from your other monthly costs, so your bills are not all due at the same time.

6. Take advantage of available perks

Rewards programs and perks offered by banks and credit card companies can help lower expenses by giving you cash back on purchases or discounts on goods and services. Ask your financial institution about cash back and reward options.

Pro tip: If you don’t currently earn rewards or perks, consider enrolling in a program that offers them.

7. Evaluate subscription services

We’ve all done it —signed up for a monthly service and then forgotten all about it. Take the opportunity to check your account statements for automatic subscription payments to see if there’s anything you no longer use or could downgrade based on your current needs.

Pro tip: Set up notifications for all renewing subscriptions, so you have the ability to cancel before the next payment comes out.

8. Consider up-front annual payments

See if any of your subscriptions offer an option for an up-front annual payment. While it may seem better to spread out the cost, paying the one-time annual fee is usually cheaper. Plus, once you’ve paid it, that expense is taken care of, leaving you more cash each month.

Pro tip: Do the math and consider your cashflow to identify the best way to pay bills — monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Think (and save) strategically

Finding ways to save money can seem challenging. But by making small yet significant changes, such as maximizing deductions and cancelling unused subscriptions, you can make your money stretch. Meanwhile, you’ll become a more budget-savvy independent worker!