Keep Your Passwords Safe with These Tips

Passwords are the gatekeepers to your most important personal and professional information. A poor password puts individuals at risk of having their information exposed. To ensure your accounts are protected, use these tips.

Use two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security that requires two steps for a user to log in. Typically, 2FA involves having an extra one-time password sent to a trusted email address or phone number before letting someone login. If a service you use offers 2FA, use it!

Always have 8 or more characters

When creating a password, make sure you have at least 8 characters in it. Keep in mind that the longer, the better. The best passwords are 16 characters or more.

Use uppercase and lowercase characters

Alternating between uppercase and lowercase letters may seem trivial, but it can be your saving grace when it comes to keeping your accounts safe.

Use numbers (0 through 9) and non-alphanumeric characters

Remember that you’re not tied to just letters when creating a password! Adding in numbers and symbols (think ! @ # %, etc.) will make your password that much harder to guess.

Avoid personal information 

Personal information like birthdays, your birth city and your anniversary are easy guesses for hackers. Try to avoid using these key dates in your passwords.

Never use the same password on multiple sites

If a hacker guesses one, they can guess them all! Protect your accounts across websites by using different passwords on different platforms.

Change passwords regularly

Being nimble and changing your passwords regularly will keep your accounts safe. Experts suggest that the everyday person should change their passwords about every 90 days. We recommend setting a reminder on your calendar to help you remember.

Don’t share passwords

It may go without saying, but never share your passwords. If you must share a password with someone, make sure to do it over the phone instead of via email or text.

Now that you have the tips, share them with your friends and family and check out other resources that can help you stay one step ahead of harmful cyber activity.