
Setting and sticking to your financial goals is the foundation of making smart money decisions and living a prosperous financial life. Still, getting started
Setting and sticking to your financial goals is the foundation of making smart money decisions and living a prosperous financial life. Still, getting started ...
Covid-19 is leaving a destructive footprint on American small businesses.   It brought small business owners face-to-face with economic distress, temporary closures, and even bankruptcy.
Covid-19 is leaving a destructive footprint on American small businesses.   It brought small business owners face-to-face with economic distress, temporary closures, and even bankruptcy. The ...
Smart phones. Tablets. Laptops. Gaming systems. Flatscreens. Digital billboards. We are surrounded by digital technology. The internet is quite literally in our pockets. Many
Smart phones. Tablets. Laptops. Gaming systems. Flatscreens. Digital billboards. We are surrounded by digital technology. The internet is quite literally in our pockets. Many of ...
Whether your child is 7 or 17, now’s a good time to talk to them about money. Studies show that kids form money habits
Whether your child is 7 or 17, now’s a good time to talk to them about money. Studies show that kids form money habits ...
By Sabrina Lamb – Founder and Executive Director of World of Money Let’s start with the basics: what is financial education? Investopedia defines financial
By Sabrina Lamb – Founder and Executive Director of World of Money Let’s start with the basics: what is financial education? Investopedia defines financial education as ...
By Alexander Niejelow, Senior Vice President for Cybersecurity Coordination and Advocacy at Mastercard In a world where technology is rapidly becoming more intelligent, every
By Alexander Niejelow, Senior Vice President for Cybersecurity Coordination and Advocacy at Mastercard In a world where technology is rapidly becoming more intelligent, every business ...
Passwords are the gatekeepers to your most important personal and professional information. A poor password puts individuals at risk of having their information exposed.
Passwords are the gatekeepers to your most important personal and professional information. A poor password puts individuals at risk of having their information exposed. ...

About Master Your Card

Since 2011, Mastercard has collaborated and engaged with more than 120 community partners across the nation around our shared goal: driving understanding of electronic payments technology through access to educational sessions and other resources.

We Empower

We empower underserved communities to take control of their financial well-being by:

  • Partnering with local governments, community organizations and leaders to offer training and capacity-building sessions
  • Hosting and sponsoring virtual and in-person events to ensure individuals and entire communities are armed with knowledge to make smart financial decisions 

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